Seldom-Heard consultation
Consultation and stakeholder engagement
Starting a conversation with people who don’t usually take part
During Covid-19 restrictions, over 1,400 people joined a borough-wide digital consultation to inform Lewisham’s Local Plan. As restrictions eased, it was time to go out and gather views from seldom-heard in the borough.
The new Local Plan will set out a shared vision for the future of the borough along with a planning and investment framework to deliver this vision through to 2040.
Not everyone could join digitally so we planned a programme of events and targeted community engagement to hear from those who don’t usually share their views with the Council.
We know there are lots of reasons why people’s views aren’t heard during public consultation including disability, ethnicity, sexuality, mental health problems or financial circumstances. Those facing homelessness, refugees or displaced people may also not be in a position to contribute.
Researching community networks and stakeholder groups, we joined over a dozen events and local meetings to start a conversation about issues relating to the Local Plan.
Our exchanges were informal and discursive. We deliberately used open-ended questions in a guided conversation that covered local neighbourhoods, transport, public space, affordability of housing through to climate action.
Project Details
Client: Lewisham Council
Status: Completed 2022
Team: Filigree
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