Poets Corner
research and policy
consultation and stakeholder engagement
poets corner
This project is being delivered by the Harrow Strategic Development Partnership, a 10-year joint venture between Wates and the London Borough of Harrow.
Poets Corner is one of three council-owned sites set for redevelopment under an ambitious plan which will deliver around 1,100 new homes on the site of the former civic centre.
Filigree was tasked with engaging the diverse community of Harrow to help shape the design proposals and ensure that the plans reflect the aspirations and needs of residents.
We started by undertaking population research to identify seldom-heard groups, specifically those communities or people who do not usually participate. By understanding the local area, we were able to lead an inclusive and welcoming engagement reflecting the characteristics of the local community.
identifying community networks
Over 60% of Harrow residents identify as belonging to a minority ethnic group and we knew that there were significant pockets of Indian, Kenyan and Sri Lankan communities in the area. The nearby mosque and a cultural and faith centre emerged as key community networks and we arranged briefings and workshops with these places of faith.
We identified locations for public events to encourage those passing including people who might not usually participate to come for a chat including the local leisure centre, a busy shopping area and adjacent to Harrow Central Mosque.
Poets Corner events display board
Empowering local people to shape the design
Through our initial seven-week engagement, we reached hundreds of local people and captured hundreds of comments and ideas that are actively shaping the design of the proposals including an emphasis on natural green spaces within the scheme to help improve public wellbeing. A new 100 sqm public park will be created reflecting local desires for a safe and welcoming space to spend time with new connections to the train station.
key facts
Five events across three locations
20 hours of in-person and virtual engagement
666 comments and contributions in-person and online
Photo from our public engagement event at Katie’s Statue
Project Details
Client: Harrow Council
Status: In progress
Team: Filigree / Wates / London Borough of Harrow / Sheppard Robson / BDP / Stantec
Find out more: https://poetscorner.commonplace.is/