Lewisham Local Plan



  • Consultation and stakeholder engagement

Borough-wide consultation on the new Local Plan for Lewisham Council 

Lewisham’s Local Plan will set out a shared vision for the future of the borough along with a planning and investment framework to deliver this vision through to 2040.

Commencing public consultation during the Covid-19 pandemic was difficult, but we embraced the challenge of running digital events. 

We planned and facilitated 20 Zoom sessions with topic sessions on policy issues such as housing, green infrastructure, sustainable design and heritage as well as area-based sessions designed to appeal to the towns and neighbourhoods across the borough. 

Character area guides were created to help capture interest in the local neighbourhood and encourage those who might not usually participate in public consultation to be curious about how their area could change. 

Over a thousand attendees joined the sessions with often hundreds of comments and questions raised by members of the public. We played back common themes to further encourage participation and drive traffic to our online consultation hub. 

20 Zoom consultation sessions

1,000+ attendees

1,400 feedback comments shared 

Over 30 hours of consultation 

Central to our approach was the creation and sharing of graphics for area-based influencers to circulate on our behalf. We identified local bloggers, social media influencers and community activists and encouraged them to post on social media, share to WhatsApp and Nextdoor and share via email news or on websites.

Over 1,400 feedback comments were shared and we’re currently working with the Council’s Planning Team on further outreach with seldom-heard voices from across the borough.


Project Details

Client: Lewisham Council

Status: Completed 2021

Team: Filigree, Commonplace

Find out more lewishamlocalplan.commonplace.is