Great Yarmouth

  • campaign

  • research and policy

  • consultation and stakeholder engagement

Investment in the borough

Great Yarmouth Borough Council had an investment opportunity for the borough. It was Filigree’s task to engage with the public to understand what is needed in the borough, and where the investment should be focused. Ensuring that we involve and empower residents and local stakeholders to help shape the long-term plan.

Engagement activity from our stakeholder workshop

engagement outcomes

Key themes from our main question of ‘What do you think is most important to invest in for the future of Great Yarmouth’ includes:

- Bringing empty shops and buildings back into use - Keeping the streets clean and tidy

- Measures to tackle litter/anti-social behaviour - Improved access for health services

- Areas for children & young people to socialise 735 people responded to our survey and 100s of in-person conversations helped to create a picture of how people feel towards the town.


key facts

  • 601 responses to the survey

  • 30 hours on in-person and stakeholder engagement

  • 10 venues and locations across the town

Photo from our stakeholder workshop

community engagement

We held a total of 12 in-person public drop-in sessions and focused stakeholder workshops throughout the borough.

This allowed us to engage with all demographics and the different styles allowed for a varied conversation and feedback approach.

We brought together various business owners in Great Yarmouth, along with hosting workshops at schools in the area, understanding priorities for different generations of the Great Yarmouth public.

Our focus was to put local people at the centre of Great Yarmouth’s regeneration by identifying their actual needs.

List of all our engagement events undertaken in the Borough

Visual showing an overview of our consultation

Project Details

Client: Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Status: Complete

Team: Filigree / Great Yarmouth Borough Council

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